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The Rincon Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Rincon (Tucson) was chartered into Rotary International on May 29, 1968. The Rincon Rotary Foundation was incorporated in May 1987.
Over the years, the Foundation has focused on local youth and in-need adults. Recent recipients of our support include Tucson teachers through our signature project, Rotary Local.
The Rotary LOCAL and Rincon Rotary Vocational Program helps educators in the Tucson area through service and direct financial assistance. In many cases, our network of local business partners provides the necessary resources to help achieve project goals.

If you're a teacher and would like more information on how to apply for assistance with your classroom expenses, please visit
Our signature fund raiser, The Taste Of Chocolate, is now in its 13th year with 100% of the funds raised going to the eduction of our community's children
The Rincon Rotary Club
meets for lunch most Thursdays at 12:00 noon
at the Tucson Country Club.
If you would like to learn more about being a member, please contact:
Membership Chair
Rocky Ferrell at
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